Case Results
Texas Attorneys – Personal Injury
The attorneys at Wells, Purcell & Kraatz have a long record of successful verdicts and settlements. Below are examples of how we have helped our clients.
Pedestrian Injury – $9,750,000 recovered. Car crash claim for a pedestrian hit in a crosswalk.
18 Wheeler Crash – Confidential seven figure settlement for victims family in fatal 18 wheeler crash.
Drunk Driving Wreck – Confidential seven figure settlement for injured driver hit head on by drunk driver.
Car Wreck – 771,000.00 settlement for passenger in fatal car wreck.
Motorcycle Crash – Confidential six figure settlement for a veteran who suffered a broken ankle in a crash just over a month after he returned from Iraq.
Pedestrian Injury on the Highway – $741,000 for a man whose leg was broken when a truck hit him.
Head Injury – $740,000 jury verdict for a woman with a head injury caused by the wheels of a truck rolling over the hood of car.
Construction Site Injury – Confidential high seven-figure settlement for a construction worker who walked into a hole on the roof of a building under construction, when the hole’s covering was not secured properly.
Trucking Crash – Confidential six-figure settlement for the parents of an adult son who was hit by an 18-wheeler in the highway
Drunk Driving Wreck – $244,000 for a man whose kneecap was fractured in a car wreck with a drunk driver. The driver only had $25,000 in coverage.
Burn Injury – $200,000 jury verdict for a man who was burned when a gas grill exploded in his backyard.
Back Injury – $175,000 jury verdict for a man with a back injury caused when another person knocked him off the forks of a forklift.
Pedestrian Injury – $175,000 jury verdict for a blind man who was hit by a car, when he was walking down the road. The amount of the judgment actually increased on appeal.
Car Wreck – $115,000 settlement for a man whose arm was broken in car wreck.
Workplace Injury – Confidential six figure amount for a young man that lost his leg in an industrial injury, when he was trapped between a support column and a piece of warehouse equipment.
Defective Products – $100,000 recovery for a woman who suffered from severe headaches after a defective chair collapsed.
Premises Liability – $100,000 recovery for a woman who accidentally walked off a balcony that was not properly protected.
Premises Liability – Settlement for several children who inhaled chlorine gas at a water park.
Construction Site Fall Case – Confidential seven figure settlement for a client who fell from the second story of a job site and suffered brain damage as a result.
Insurance Bad Faith – Our client was denied medical care for his back injury. After trial their claim was successful and the insurance company agreed to a confidential seven figure settlement.
Contact Us
Whether you need legal advice and guidance to hold liable parties responsible for personal injury disputes, we invite you to contact our law firm. To arrange an appointment call (817) 335-5525 or toll free at (800) 882-4529. There is no charge for an initial consultation to find out how our attorneys can help resolve your legal matter.